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We shape the world.
Small seeds grow into large trees.
“Ask yourself what you want to use your life time and your assets for, to make a meaningful contribution to the world.”
Jonas Kunow – Board of Directors
Stiftung Bewusst-Sein
IBAN: DE45430609678244508800
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
or transfer to:
When we leave this planet, what will we leave behind, and for what will it continue to have an impact? The economic assets - what should they achieve when we can no longer use them personally? What footprint will we leave, and how will we inspire others with it? Following these thoughts and this inner feeling, the "Bewusst-Sein Foundation" was brought into life. A step was that the investors transferred their share of the Jonathan Seminarhotel to the foundation and thus created a good, sustainable foundation asset, which allows further impact.

Responsibility across generations
We contribute by being a ray of hope, demonstrating and exemplifying that things can be different. In doing so, we are constantly learning, discovering new paths, and living them. This also includes trusting in our abilities and our support to make our best contribution - for the benefit of all. An important aspect of this is the conscious management of our resources: my talents, my skills, my competencies, my financial assets.
Everyone constantly decides anew what their life and assets should be used for. With every action and every euro spent, we support certain systems and contribute to their promotion.
Conscious Management of Assets